Wanna stay healthy in a swimming pool this summer? Here are some hints. Test the water. Do a quick test of the chlorine levels in the water, When the pH or chlorine in the water is too low, bacteria, germs and viruses can proliferate. If there's too much chlorine in the pool, swimmers can experience coughing, nausea, burning eyes and throat, and other unpleasant symptoms. To test, just buy some test strips – most are available at home improvement stores – that measure the pH and free chlorine level in the water. "These are the most important parameters; to make sure you have disinfectant in the water, and to make sure the disinfectant is working properly." Test strips are typically inexpensive, accurate and easy to use. Don't pee in the pool or go swimming with diarrhea. It sounds like a no-brainer – don't pee in the pool. But in a recent survey by the Water Quality & Health Council, 55 percent of respondents admitted to urinating in the water at least once. Don't drink the water. It seems obvious, but here's this season's reminder: Don't drink or swallow pool water to your chance of becoming infected with a disease. Refrain from swimming with wounds. There are many myths suggesting that swimming in chlorine or salt water can help "disinfect" or clean a wound. In fact, an open wound is an entry point for germs. Don't go swimming with a major cut or injury.
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Not Medical Advice
Everything in this blog is for entertainment and information only. It is NOT medical advice. Do not consider anything as medical advice and check with your physician before you take any action from any of our posts.
March 2020
AuthorI'm not in medicine. I'm just a mild germaphobe sharing information that I find. Interesting Sites |